Saturday, July 4, 2009



A old proverb states that the Journey of a 1000 miles begin with a single step, similarly for the success journey the effort you put today is the assurance to reach the goal by an year or a limited time.

You may be heard from some of the books the difference between desire and the goal. Desire is like a leaf flying in the air, as many of us always stuck on this desire. Let’s say you want to become a CEO of a company, you say internally I want to become CEO and nothing much we plan. Whereas, when it comes to goal, it will have a proper plan out with some time lime. It is like a journey with a schedule, so that we can accelerate the speed according to the distance of the goal.

Let’s take live example - I am just highlighting how exactly he fixed a time line for his victory

At the age of fourteen Bill was confident that he could be a millionaire by thirty. All the way he worked hard is to achieve this target. So the point here is

· Your goal to be very clear with the timeline mentioned i.e within this year etc. for example you can say I WANT TO BE A CEO OF A SOFTWARE COMPANY WITHIN 5 YEARS

· This goal has to converted on yearly basis 1s year – reach manager stage 2nd year – GM 3rd year – director etc.

· This year targets further converted into monthly + weekly and day by day basis also.

Today if I ask you to travel 10000 KM means, no one say yes, since the thing itself makes impossible. When I say you travel 2 KM today then you say Okay. Similarly whatever it may be your goal take some steps today to reach over there by a year or XX years.

Bill Gates Success Qualities

1. Workaholic :-
Bill Gates use to work very hard since his childhood. Bill Gates along with his friends use to work all night besides the computer. Bill Gates , during his stay at Harvard sometimes used to sleep on the tables of the computer lab. Bill Gates was never absent from office during the early years of Microsoft. For years he slept for only six hours a day. Bill Gates even married in his 30s. Bill Gates is always conscious of his time. Having more time to work has been Bill Gates's wish for many years.Bill Gates success can be attributed most to this quality.

Bill Gates believes in the words of Thomas Edison - " Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration."

2. Ambitious :-
Bill was ambitious since his childhood. Gates always said that he could perform any task on which he applied his mind. At the age of fourteen Bill was confident that he could be a millionaire by the age of thirty. Gates still wants to achieve leadership in every thing he performs. Being ambitious is one of the greatest of Bill Gates Qualities

3. Entrepreneurship Skills :-
Bill had all the qualities of great entrepreneurs. He wanted to change the world. Bill was and still is financially very conservative. Bill had confidence in what he was doing. Gates is a perfect workaholic as mentioned above. He has a good brain for figures. He even has a good memory and aptitude for the learning. Bill Gates always learns from his past mistakes. He possesses a highly creative mind. He also devotes full concentration to his work.

4. Self Confidence :-
Bill always believed in himself and wasn't afraid of any body. Bill continually pursued his interest in computers despite the suggestions by the people to concentrate on his study. Gates was always confident of achieving success one day. Bill Gates took on IBM at a stage when it was hundreds of times bigger than Microsoft. Bill Gates still has confidence of coming unscathed from the recent Anti-trust case.

5. Technologist :-
Bill possessed a highly creative mind since his childhood. At the age of fourteen he learned BASIC. Bill has successfully learned the art of blending technology with the needs of the people. He is currently concentrating on this art in his present job as the Chief Software Architect and the Chairman of the Microsoft Corporation.

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